房屋買賣 (Property Purchase & Sale)
銀行抵押融資 (Mortgage / Refinance)
遺囑 (Will)
授權書 (Power of Attorney)
文件公證 (Notarization)
Buying a house or making a Will are major decisions in your life. You need someone you can trust who will advise you.
Sau Ki Cheung Notary Public Inc., is a trusted notary public practicing in the tri-city area (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody) of the Lower Mainland. Ada was commissioned by the Supreme Court of British Columbia as a BC Notary and won two awards - the ERAssure Award and the Stanley J. Nicol Award in recognition of achieving the highest marks on the Wills and Trust Examination, and also the Notarial Procedures Examination.
We specialized in Real Estate Transfer, Mortgage Refinancing, preparation of Wills and Powers of Attorney. We also provide notarization services, such as certified true copies, statutory declaration, affidavit, international document authentication, travel consent letter, custodian declaration, etc. We can speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
phone 電話
604 475 1680
email 電郵
Unit 2077 - 1163 Pinetree Way
Coquitlam, BC V3B 8A9
高贵林 恒基广場 二樓 2077室
(Henderson Place Mall, 2/F, beside “Cup Full”)
Monday to Friday 10 - 4
週一至週五 10 - 4
“The tradition of Notaries goes back over 2000 years — to the dawn of recorded history. Notaries laid down the Codex Hammurabi, the oldest evidence of recorded law.”